Mass advantage

choose you

The “Choose You” campaign integrates testimonials and imagery from present Medicare members. With genuine portraits and sincere narratives, the campaign motivates viewers to prioritize their well-being by selecting Mass Advantage. Consistent brand colors, icons, and typography ensure a cohesive campaign experience that resonates with audiences.

Mass Advantage, Choose You, Header Image
Mass Advantage, Choose You, Full Page Print
Mass Advantage, Choose You, Trifold Mailer Enroll Now
Mass Advantage, Choose You, Trifold Mailer
Mass Advantage, Choose You, WB 300x600
Mass Advantage, Choose You, WB 300x600 Patricia
Mass Advantage, Choose You, Post Card
Mass Advantage, Choose You, WB 728x90 Disruption

conceptual development

Take a sneak peek at the innovative and captivating creative concepts that were presented for this project.
Each concept is custom-tailored to suit the unique needs and preferences of the client, ensuring a truly personalized approach
to every project. Explore the creativity behind these concepts, designed to inspire and engage audiences in meaningful ways.
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